What is the difference between and def of graphics, digiital media, and multimedia?
- graphics: computer generated image on screen froming a game or film
- digital media: electronic media that work on digital codes
- multimedia: software that combines graphics, audio, and images to make a presentation
Define: bitmapped graphics
- a data structure representing pixels via a monitor
Define: pixels, color depth, resolution
- pixel: small discrete component in an image
- color depth: number of bits used to represent the color of a single pixel in a bitmapped image
- resolution: electron density
What does the digital photo management software do?
- source for all the latest digital-photo software
Define object oriented or vector graphics?
- used for images that require smooth edges
define and find the diff b/t cam,cim,cad?
- CAM (Content-addressable memory): a special type of computer memory used in certain very high speed searching applications.
- CIM:Computer Integrated Manufacturing.
- CAD(Computer-aided design): the use of computer technology for the design of objects, real or virtual.
What is an interactive multimedia?
- Interactive Multimedia: related items of information are connected and can be presented together
Tim Berners-Lee Weaves the web for Everybody
- born in london (1955)
- wanted to create an openended distributed hypertext system
- invented WWW
- now works at MIT
- leads the WWW Consortium (W3C)
Painting: Bitmapped Graphics
- paints pixels on the screen with a pointing device
- poiner movements are translated into lines and patterns on the screen
- stores an image at 300 dots per inch (or higher)
Pixels:tiny dots of white, black, or color that make up images on the screen
Palette: group of tools that mimic real-world painting tools
-also contains other tools that are unique to comps
Bitmapped Graphic ( Raster Graphics): pics that show how the pixels are mapped on the screen'
Color Depth: the # of bits devoted to each pixel
Resolution: the density of the pixels
Image Processing
- Allows the user to manipulate photos and images with tools
Ex: Abode Photoshop
- Far more powerful than traditional photo-reducing techniques
-can distort and compbine photos as shown in the tabloids
-can create fabricated images that dont show that it has been tampered with
-Digital photo management software programs (apple, iphoto, and Microsoft Pictureit) simplify common tasks associated with capturing, orgainizing, editing, and sharing digital images.
-Drawing software stores a pic as a collection of lines and shapes (called object-oriented/vector graphics)
-Memory demands on storage are not as high as for bitmapped images.
-many drawing toold-line, shape, and text tolls- are similar to painting tools in bitmapped programs.
PostScript: a standard pg-description languge for describing text elements on the printied pg
-used by professional drawing programs
-built into high-end output devices so those devices can follow PostScript instructions
Bitmapped painiting
- more control over textures shading and fine detail
- apprpriate for screen display simulating natural paint media and embellishing photos
Object- oriented drawings
-some integrated programs contain both drawing and painitng modules
allows you to choose the right tool for each job
-some programs merge features of both in a single app
-blurs the distinction b/t types
- offers new possibillites for amateur and professional illustrations
Computerr Aided Design (CAD) software:
-This allows engineers designers and architetures to create designs on screen for products ranging from comp chips to public buildings
-test products prototypes
-cheaper faster and more accurate than traditional design-by-had techniques
Comp Aided Manufacturing
the process when data related to the product design are fed into a program that controls the manufacturing of parts
Comp Integrated Manufacturing
refers to the combination of CAD and CAM and is a major step toward a fully automated factory.
Presentation Graphics: Bringing Lectures to Life
- automates the creation of visual aids for lectures and presentations
- creates slideshows directly on comp monitors or LCD projs including still images animation and video clips.
Making Powerful Presentations
- remember your goal
- remember audience
- outline your ideas
- be stingy with words
- keep it simple
- use consistent design
- be smart with art
- keep each slide focused
- tell them what your going to tell them then tell them then tell them what you told them :)
Dynamic Media Beyond the Printing Page
- media contais dynamic info which is info that changes over time or in response to user input
- each frame of comp-based animation is a comp-drawn pic the comp displays these frames in rapid succession
- Tweening: instead of drawing each frame by hand the animator can create key frames and objects and use software to help fill in the gaps
Desktop Video: Computers, Film, and TV
analog and digital video
-a video digitizer can convret analog video signals from a tv broadcast
Many video digitizers can import signals from tv, videotapes, cameras, and others
-signals are displayed on the comps screens= in real time at the same time they're created or imported
Digital video cameras capture footage in digital form
digital cideo can be copied, edited, stored, and played back w/o any loss of quality
Digital video will soon replace analog video for most apps
Today most video editing is done using nonlinear editing tech
Video editing software: makes it easy to eliminate extraneous footage, combine clips from takes, and other activites
Morphs: video clips in which one image morphs into another
Data Compression: software and hardware are used to squeeze data out of movies so that they can be stored in smaller spaces
The Synthetic Musician: Computers and Audio
Audio digitizer: captures sound and stores it as a data file
Synthesizer: electronic instrument that synthesizes sound using math formulas
MIDI: (musical instrument digital interface): standard interface that allows electronic instruments and comps to communicate w/ each other.
Dynamic Media: Beyond the Printed Page
Music is digitized on CDs at a high sampling rate and bit depth-high enough that it is hard to tell the diff b/t the original analog sound and the
Digital Audio Do's and Don'ts
- dont steal
- understand streaming and downloading
- know your ile formats
- don't over- compress
chart thing here
Samplers, Sytnthesizers, and Sequencers: Digital Audio and MIDI
Multimedia comps can control a variety of electronic musical instruments and sound sources using MIDI
MIDI commands can be integrated by a variety of
-Music synthesizers
Dynamic Media: Beyond the Printed Page
A piano style keyboard that sends MIDI signals to the comp
-comp interprets the MIDI commands using sequencing software
Sequenceing software turns a comp into a musical composin, recording, and editing machine
Electronica: musical designed from the ground up w/ digital tech
-some of the most interesting sequenced music
Hypertext and Hypermedia
Hypertext: refers to info linked in non-sequential ways
Hypermedia: combines text, #s, graphics, animation, sound effects, music, and other media in hyperlinked docs
-useful for on-line help files
-lets the user jump b/t docs all over the internet
Interactive Multimedia: what is it?
- a combination of
Multimedia Authoring: Making Mixed Media
-uses authoring programs such as HyperSudio and MetaCard
-binds source docs together to communicate w/ users in a pleasing way
Making Interactive Multimedia work
- be consistent visually
- use graphical metaphors to guide viewrs
- keep screen clean
- include multimedia elements to enliven the presentation
- fous on message
- give the user control
- test your presnentation w/ those unfamiliar w/ the subject
Inventing the Future: Shared Virtual Spaces
Virtual reality: combines virtual worlds w/ networking
- it places multiple participants in a virtual space
- people see representation of each other, sometimes called avatars
- Most avatars
- uses cameras and networks to create a videoconferencing environment in which multiple remote users can