Wednesday, April 6, 2011

ch 11 DQs

1)Do computers increase or decrease efficiency? Explain.
       Computers increase efficiency becuase they have all the facts on the internet and most of the time the information is reliable. If your boss wants you to look something up or do something you can research about it on the internet and know all about what your boss wants. It is also faster than researching through a book and because you probably have a computer at work it will help you get your word done faster.

2)What are some fears generated by the use of tech/computers in the work place?
          First that someone will be distracted. There are a lot of things on the internet and you could be tempted to go do something you like to do like for example updating your facebook page. But if you go to facebook and your boss catches you, you could, and probably will, get fired.

3)List 3 jobs/skills that have become obsolete in the 21st century and 3 jobs/skills that have taken their place.
  obselete jobs:
  1. Copy Boy
  2. Lamplighter
  3. Switchboard Operator
   modern jobs:
  1. Kinkos
  2. highway patrol (fix street lights)
  3. telephone company

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