Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Chapter 15 4RQ

1) Describe several techniques used in game-playing software and explain how they can be applied to other AI applications?
  • Searching
  • Heuristics
  • Pattern recognition
  • Machine learning
2) Why did early machine translation programs fail to produce the desired results?
The early machine translation failed because the computer did not know the translation.

3) What rules might a computer use to sort the characters shown on page 597 into As and Bs?
  1. If the engine will not turn over and the lights do not woek then check the battery.
  2. If checking the battery shows it is not dead then check the battery connectors

4) What is the relationship between syntax and semantics?Can you construct a sentence that follows the rules of English syntax but has nonsense semantics?
Syntax means "word order" and Semantics means "meaning". Word order affects meaning.
         Example: Dogs bites man. Man bites dog.

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