Thursday, April 7, 2011

ch 11 4RQs

1) What kind of education does a student need to prepare for living and working in the info age?
  • technological famaliarity
  • literacy
  • mathematics
  • culture
  • communication
  • learning how to learn
2) Give several examples of ways that distance learning can enhance education.
  • grade school students can network with kids in all parts of the world
  • middle school students can use electron microscopes, telescopes, and other tools from around the world
  • high school students courses can be completed by modem instead of mail
  • two way ideo link allows experts to talk to students
  • teachers can recieve education without leaving their district
3) How is home entertainment being changed by comp tech and telecommunication?
     Entertainment at home now a days have changed a lot due to technology. Now instead of board games or household games people/kids used to play poeple are glued to a small device or tvs playing video games. Instead of listening to the radio people are watching tv.

4) What are smart cards, and how are they used?
   A smart card looks like a standard card but has microprocessors and memory. It records transactions by telling the software about each purchase and paid bill, when inserted into a computer.

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