Wednesday, March 9, 2011

pg 237-245 Homework 4RQs

1) Define or describe each of the key terms listen in the "Key Terms" section.
  • - batch processing: accumulating transactions and feeding them into a comp in a large batch
  • -browse:  process of finding info in a database or other data source
  • -centralized database: a database housed in a mainframe comp, accessible only to info-processing personnel
  • - client/server: client programs in desktop comps send info requests through a network to server database on mainframes, minicomps, or desktop comps. The servers process queries and send the requested data back to the client
  • -computed fields: in a database, a field containing formulas similar to spreadsheets formulas they display values calculated from values in other numeric fields
  • -data mining:  the discovery and extraction of hidden predictive info from large databases
  • -data scrubbing: the process of going through a database and eliminating records that contain errors
  • -data warehouse: an integrated collection of corporate data stored in one location
  • -database: a collection of info stored in an organized form in a comp
  • -DBMS: program or system of programs that can maipulate data in a large collection of files, cross-referencing between files as needed
  • - database program: a software tool for organizin the storage and retrieval of the info in a database
  • - dirty data: data records with spelling mistakes, incorrect values, or other errors
  • - distributited database: data strewn out across networks on several diff comps
  • exported data: transmitting records and fields from a database program to another program
  • field: each discrete chunk of info in a database record
  • file manager: program that enables users to manipulate files on their comps
  • geographical information system:  a specialized database that combines tables of data with demographic info and displays geographic data on maps
  • identfy theft: crime committed by hackers  of obtaining enough info about a person to assume his  ot her identity often as a prelude to illegally using the victim's credit cards
  • import data: to move data into a program from another program or source
  • interactive processing: interacting with data through terminalsviewing and changing values online in real time
  • object-oriented database: instead of storing records in tables and hierarchies  stores software objects that contain procedures with data
  • PIM: a specialized database prgram that automates an address/phone book an appointment calendar, a to-do list, and misc notes. electronic organizer
  • privacy: freedom from unauthorized access to ones person or to knowledge about ones person
  • query: an info request
  • query language: a pecial language for performing queries more precse that the english language
  • real time: when a comps performs tasks immediatly
  • record: in a database, the ingo relating to one erson, product or event
  • record matching: compiling profiles by combining info from diff database files by lookiing for a shared unique field
  • relational database:  a program that allows files to be related to each other so changes in one file are reflected in other files automatically.
  • report: a database printoout that is an ordered list of selected records and firlds in an easy-to-read form
  • right to privacy: freedom from interference into the private sphere of a persons affairs
  • search: looking for a specific file
  • select: looking for all records that match a set of criteria
  • sort: arrane records in alphabetic or numeric order based on values in one or more fields
  • SQL: a query languge availabe for many diff DBMSs more than a query language SQL also accesses database from a wide variety of vendors
  • table: a grid of rows and columns on many Web pgs tables with hidden frids are used to align graphical images
  • XML: extensible markup language a language that enables Web developers to control and display data the way they control text and graphiscs. Forms, database queries and otherdata-intensive operations that cant be completely constructed with standard HTML are much easier with XML
2) What steps are involved in producing a standard multicolumn business report from a database?
          1) Web application
A. Define the ODBC connection that would associate to your database.
B. You need a server side technology (i.e. ASP .Net, ColdFusion, PHP, JSP, ...etc.)
C. Create a SQL query using the syntax of the server side technology to search your database.
D. Assuming that the search resultset is not blank, you would loop through the resultset to display the report. The most convenient way would be using a table. You will have something like the followings,
<th>Column 1</th>
<th>Column 2</th>
<cfoutput query="myquery">

2) Desktop application
A. Create a connection to your database.
B. Query the database.
C. Build a report in advance that would layout where you want to display the data.
D. At the time when you build your report, it would be great if you can tie a display field to a column in the database.
E. In your desktop application, you would pass the resultset to this pre-defined report.
Certified ColdFusion developer. 10+ years of web development experience
                                                                                                       (found this online)
3) In a database, a numeric field can contain only computed formulas similar to formulas in spreadsheets.
 4) The most common type of database printout is called export
           False - report

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