Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Ch 13 4RQ

1) What is the purpose of an extranet? What are the main characteristics of an extranet?
            An extranet extends the cross-functional activites between trusted business partners and facilitates their working relationship. Characteristics are secure private network, public network, and virtual private network (VPN).

2) List the capabilities of e-commerce software should provide.
  • Increasing the speed of B2B tranactions
  • reducing errors on intercompany
  • reducing costs of telecommunication
  • increasing the volume of business with partners
  • exchanging B2B docs
  • checking on inventory and order status from supplies
  • collaborating with business partners on joint projects
3) What are purposes of an intranet? What are the main characteristics of an inranet?
           Most intranets use Ethernet topology to cnnect physically the comps, printers, and other hardware on the network. Characteristics of an intranet are
  • Contained: Typically a network (LAN) within an organization
  • Shielded: Offers the "common language" of internet without the loss of privacy of the Internet
  • Gated: Can be connected via gateways to selected Internet content or access
  • Functional: a fully operational network for organization-wide communication, information, and interaction
4) Describe some ethical issues involved in electronic commerce.
  • a statement of the oranization's privacy policy
  • a statement that a persons permission must be secured before his or her ID, photo, ideas, or communication are used or trransmitted
  • a statement on how the company will inform customers of the intended uses of personal info gathered during an online transaction and how to secure permission from customers for those uses
  • a statement that address issues of ownership with respect to network postings and communications
  • a statement of how the company monitors user behavior on the web

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