-Myspace creates an online community experience for young planet
-Flicker creates a commuinity for ppl to share their pics
- comps are commodities now a days
-comps and their applications are involoved in our daily life
- every comp follows the basic plan of Charles Babbage and Lady Lovelace
-Comps are tools
- can compute your taxes or deploy a missile
-all comps take info called input and give out info called output
- comps versatility is bulit upon its:
1. hardeware (physical parts)
2. software the instructionsthat tells hardware how to transform the input data into the neccassary output
- at about the same time the British gov't was assembling a top-secret team of mathematicians and engineers to crack Nazi military codes.
*- 1943: the team led by Alan Turnig and other completed Colossus considered by many to be the 1at electronic digital comp
- 1939: in Iowa State U John Atansoff (proffessor) developed what could have been the 1st electronic digital comp the Atansoff - Berry comp (ABC)
- 1944: thanx to a $1 million frant from IBM. harvard proffessor Howard Aiken developed the Mark 1.
- John Mauchly and J Presper Eckert helped the US effort in the WW2 by constructing a machine to calc trajectory tables for a new gund
- ENIAC ( electronic Numerical Integrator and Comp)
- After the war Mauchly and Eckeryt started a private company called Sperry and created UNIVACI the 1st general-purpose commercial comp.
Transistors: replaced vacuum tubes in 1956
- mid 1960s: transistors were replaced by integrated circuits
- increased rehability
- smaller size
- higher speed
- higher efficiency
- lower cost
personal comp revolution: began in 1970
- Apple
- Commodore
- Tandy
- desktop comps havent completely replaced big comps which have also evolvoed
- embedded comps
- special purpose comp: dedicated comps that perform specific tasks
- controlling the temp and humidity
- monitoring your heart rate
- monitoring your house security system
- PCs serve a single user at a time
-Common applications include:
- word processing
- gaming
- media
- etc.
portable comps: machines that are not tied to desktops
- notebooks
- handheld comps (PDAs)
- used by large organizations such as banks and airlines, for big computing jobs
- communicate w/ mainframe through terminals
- multiple communications at 1 time through process of timesharing
- For power users who need access to fastest and most powerful comps made
- connected devices together
- 1960s: internet developed w/ backing of the U.S gov't
Electronic mail: e-mail software
World Wide Web: led the internet;s transformation from a text-only into multimedia w/ pics, animation, sounds, video...
Web Browsers: programs that serve as navigable windows into the web when in effect
Hypertext Links: tie togehter millions of Web pgs created by diverse authors
-the internet supports varied activites
- real-time: multiplayer games
- in the history of our society we have had:
- an agricultural age
- an industrial age
we need to know how to write a code for
you need a link that will send you to a web pg or a link source
I - italic
U - underline
B - bold
<I> <U> <B> to make sure code is right make a link between them
Explanation Clarifying Technology
-comp literacy is already improving our day-to-day lives & careers
Applications: Comps in action
- apps enable you to use a comp for specific purposes
Implications: Social and Ethical Issues
- the threat to personal privacy posed by large databases and comp networkd
- the hazards of high-tech crime & the difficult of keeping data secure
- the difficutly of defing & protecting intellectual property in an all-digital age.
- -The threat of automation & the dehumanization of work
- -The abuse of info. as a tool of political & economic power
- -The emergence of bio-digital tech.
- -The dangers of dependance on complex tech.
- organizing data
- someone lost a limb- they repair it with tech
- microchipping animals
- robots are taking human jobs and helping humans
comps have evovled at an incredible pace since Charless Babbage's plan for an Analytical Engine.
Comps today come in all shapes & sizes w/ specific types being well-suited for particular jobs.
connecting to a network enhances the value & power of a comp
- Internet
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