Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chapter 1 Our Digital Planet

-Myspace creates an online community experience for young planet
-Flicker creates a commuinity for ppl to share their pics

- comps are commodities now a days
-comps and their applications are involoved in our daily life

- every comp follows the basic plan of Charles Babbage and Lady Lovelace
-Comps are tools
     - can compute your taxes or deploy a missile
-all comps take info called input and give out info called output
- comps versatility is bulit upon its:
     1. hardeware (physical parts)
      2. software the instructionsthat tells hardware how to transform the input data into the neccassary output

- the 1st comp was creaed by Konrad Zuse in 1939
- at about the same time the British gov't was assembling a top-secret team of mathematicians and engineers to crack Nazi military codes.
*-  1943: the team led by Alan Turnig and other completed Colossus considered by many to be the 1at electronic digital comp
- 1939: in Iowa State U John Atansoff (proffessor) developed what could have been the 1st electronic digital comp the Atansoff - Berry comp (ABC)
- 1944: thanx to a $1 million frant from IBM. harvard proffessor Howard Aiken developed the Mark 1.
- John Mauchly and J Presper Eckert helped the US effort in the WW2 by constructing a machine to calc trajectory tables for a new gund
         - ENIAC ( electronic Numerical Integrator and Comp)
- After the war Mauchly and Eckeryt started a private company called Sperry and created UNIVACI the 1st general-purpose commercial comp.

Vacuum tubes: were used in early comps
Transistors: replaced vacuum tubes in 1956
- mid 1960s: transistors were replaced by integrated circuits

Integrated circuits brought:
  • increased rehability
  • smaller size
  • higher speed
  • higher efficiency
  • lower cost
-1971: the 1st microprocessor was invented by Intel engineers
personal comp revolution: began in 1970
  • Apple
  • Commodore
  • Tandy
- desktop comps havent completely replaced big comps which have also evolvoed
- embedded comps
- special purpose comp: dedicated comps that perform specific tasks
  • controlling the temp and humidity
  • monitoring your heart rate
  • monitoring your house security system
- firmware: the program is etched on silicon so it cannot be altered.
- PCs serve a single user at a time
      -Common applications include:
  • word processing
  • gaming
  • media
  • etc.
workstations: high- end desktop comps w/ massive computing power used for high-end interactive applications.
portable comps: machines that are not tied to desktops
  • notebooks
  • handheld comps (PDAs)
Servers: comps designed to provide softwares and other resources to other comp over a network

  • used by large organizations such as banks and airlines, for big computing jobs
  • communicate w/ mainframe through terminals
  • multiple communications at 1 time through process of timesharing
  • For power users who need access to fastest and most powerful comps made
  • connected devices together
  • 1960s: internet developed w/ backing of the U.S gov't
- the internet explosion has over a billion ppl w/ internet access by the end of 2005
Electronic mail: e-mail software
World Wide Web: led the internet;s transformation from a text-only into multimedia w/ pics, animation, sounds, video...
Web Browsers: programs that serve as navigable windows into the web when in effect
Hypertext Links: tie togehter millions of Web pgs created by diverse authors
-the internet supports varied activites
       - real-time: multiplayer games
- in the history of our society we have had:
     - an agricultural age
     - an industrial age

we need to know how to write a code for
you need a link that will send you to a web  pg or a link source
I - italic
U - underline
B - bold

<I> <U> <B> to make sure code is right make a link between them

Explanation Clarifying Technology
-comp literacy is already improving our day-to-day lives & careers

Applications: Comps in action
- apps enable you to use a comp for specific purposes

Implications: Social and Ethical Issues
  • the threat to personal privacy posed by large databases and comp networkd
  • the hazards of high-tech crime & the difficult of keeping data secure
  • the difficutly of defing & protecting intellectual property in an all-digital age.
if u look at the address bar you can tell if something is secure

  • -The threat of automation & the dehumanization of work
  • -The abuse of info. as a tool of political & economic power
  • -The emergence of bio-digital tech.
  • -The dangers of dependance on complex tech.
biodigital: using tech for science
  1.  organizing data
  2. someone lost a limb- they repair it with tech
  3. microchipping animals
  4. robots are taking human jobs and helping humans
comps have evovled at an incredible pace since Charless Babbage's plan for an Analytical Engine.
Comps today come in all shapes & sizes w/ specific types being well-suited for particular jobs.
connecting to a network enhances the value & power of a comp
  • Internet
  • WWW
  • E-mail


Friday, October 15, 2010

Notes from Book for chapter 2

What Computers Do:
- There are 4 basic functions of a computer
  1. Recieve Input: comps accept info from outside world
  2. Process Info: Comps form arithmetic and logical operations on info.
  3. Produce output: comps comm. info. to the outside world
  4. Store info: Comps move and store info. in memory

Input devices: accept input from outside world
Examples are: keyboards and pointing devices (mouse)

Output devices: send info to outside world.
Examples: video monitor or printer

Microprocessor: the "brain" of the comp

Memory and Storage Devices: both store info. but they serve diff purposes


Digital is made up of digits

Bit (binary digits): the smallest unit of info. a comp. can process

~ Bits as Numbers

binary number system: a system that denotes all #s w/ combinations of 2 digits.

~ Bits as Codes:

ASCII ( American Standard Code for Information Interchange): represents each character as a unique 8-bit code.

Unicode: a coding scheme that supports 65,000 unique characters.


Byte: a group of 8 bits. ( one character of ASCII)

Kilobyte (KB or K): 1,000 bytes of info.

Megabyte or meg (MB): app. 1,000KB  or 1 millionbytes

Gigabyte (GB or gig): app. 1,000MB or 1 billion bytes

Terabyte (TB): app. 1 million MB or 1 trillion bytes.

Petabyte (PB): is equivalent to 1,204 terabytes or 1 quadrillian bytes.

file:  is an organized collection of info.

megabits (Mb): used to measure data to transfer speed or memory size.


microprocessor: (CPU) an extraordinarily complex collection of electronic circuits.

motherboard: the circuit board that contains a comp's CPU.


Compatible: software written for one processor will usually not work with another.

Backward Compatible:


clock: the timing device that produces electrical pulses to synchronize the comps operations.

gigahertz (GHz): billions of clock cycles per second.

architecture: the design that determines how individual components of the CPU are put together on the chip.

Cluster: the name of the processing resources of multiple serveers all grouped together.

-multicore processors
-Parallel processors
-symmetric multiprocessing


nonvolatile memory: the comp can read from it, but it can never write any new ifo. on it

read-only memory (ROM): wat the nonvolatile memory is called sometimes.

  1. Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS): is a special low- energy kind of RAM that can store small amounts of data for a long period of time on battery power.
- CMOS RAM store date, time, and calender, in a PC

     2.  Flash Memory: are chips, like RAM chips, that can be written and erased rapidly and repeatedly. But unlike RAM, a flash memory is nonvolatile., it can keep its contents without flow of electricity

-Examples are: digital cameras, cell phones, pagers, PDA's, handheld comps, portable comps, etc.

access time: measured in nanoseconds (ns) billionths of a second

millisecond (ms): thousandths of a second.

- Memory speed (access time) is another factor that affects the comp's overall speed


system buses (buses):groups of wires in the motherboard

bays: type of storage devices

Ports: sockets on the outside of the comp chassis.

PC cards: cards that contain memory, mini peripherals, & additional ports.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Chapter 4: Software Basics: The Ghost in the Machine

-open source: open for the public
-what makes it reliable: updates
-who creates the open source ideas:
2 kinds of software and systems
    1. reliable on open source idea
    2. doesn't have open source idea
  • Lins Torvalds: created the linux,
  • linux is the operating system is the best known ex. of open source software
  • film and animation workstations, scientific comps, and some handhelds
3 major categories:
  1. Translator programs such as compilers: enable programs to create other software
  2. software applications: help comp users solve probs
  3. system software: coordinate hardware operations and does behind the scences work the comp use hardly sees
-Examples of compilers: C and C++ intel etc
-Examples of application compilers: photoshop, word, paint, etc.

OS vs Application Software

-Food of Thought: the hardware in a comp system is equipped to produce whatever output a user requests
A Fast, Stupid Machine
  • prgrammers start with an algorithm (step by step instructions in a natural language ...english)
  • the steps are error prone
  • the steps are translated into vocab of programming language: this has too many steps, complicated, EXACT instructions
-Many Software companies have replaced their printed documentation with:
  1. Tutorials
  2. Reference materials
  3. Help files
  4. on-line help
-Upgrading: Users can upgrade a program to the new version by paying an upgrade fee to the software manufacturer
-Newer releases often have additional features and fewer bugs
Bugs are things that make the computer slower or an error

-It allows software to function properly with the hardware, operating system, and peripherals
-Programs written for one type of computer system may not work on another
- a hardware needs a compatibile software

-Software manufacturers limit their liability for software by selling the software "as is."
-manufacturers don't sell their website to a person for their needs

LICENSING: Commercial software is copyrighted so it can't be legally duplicated for distribution to others
  • software license
  • volume license
DISTRIBUTION: Software is distributed via:
  • direct sale
  • retail stores
  • Mail-order catalogs
  • web-sites
  • not all software is copyrighted: ( public domain software, Shareware)
-you need a license to work on a software
-can't use one software on all others, like some "cracked" softwares

-fall into several categories
  • Some simple Web applications perform simple data-processing tasks that could also be performed by traditional programs running on stand alone PCs
  • Most web applications take advantage of the Wed's connectivity
  • Many Web applications leverage the Web's strength as a huge repository of info.
  • Some Web applications support online business transactions (CNN)
  • News-oriented Web applications provide up-to-the-min. repotrts on a myriad of subjects
  • Other Web applications support a more traditional form of info. broascasting
-the keyboard is called a web application
-most web applications take advantage of the web connectivity to be published
             - web applications: will stay in your comp and not go onto the internet unless its saved on "e"
             -  add index pg to domain range
-IP address: 1921 or
-you can call it (the domain name)

-vertical-market and custom software
-Tends to cost far more than mass- market apps
-job specific software
  • medical billings
  • library cataloguing
  • legal references software
  • restaurant management
  • single-chent software needs
-A class of software that includes the operating system and utility programs, handlies these details, and hundreds of other tasks behind the scences.
- operating system

  • supports multitasking
  • manages virtual memory
  • maintains file system
  • responsible for authentication and authorization
HW: What is the diff b/t authentications and authorization? Responsibilities? Examples.
What does the operating system do?
What is the diff b/t utillity programs and device drivers?
-Serve as tools for doing system maintenance and repairs that aren't automatically handled by the operating system.

  • copy files b/t storage devices
  • repair damaged data files
  • translate files so that diff. programs can read them
  • guard against viruses and potentially harmful prog. (ch. on comp. securities and risks)
  • compres files so they tak up less disk space
  • perform other imp. if unexciting tasks
- Symantec Norton Utilities is a popular utility package that includes software tools for recovering damaged files, repairing damaged disks, and improving disk performance.
        -viruses, trogens, maulware-softwares that are attacking our comps.

-Small programs kthat enable I/0 devices - keyboard, mouse, printer, and others- to comm w./ the comp
- included w/ the operating system or bundled ww/ peripherals

-Some comps. store their operating system in ROM
-others include only prt of it in ROM
  • The remainder of the operating systems is loaded into memory in a process called booting which occurs when you turn on the comp.
-Most of the time the operating works behind the scences
-interacting with the operating system is like interacting with an app can be intuitve or challenging and it depends on something called user interface.

-the interface defines the look and feel of the comp. experience from a human point of view
-desktop operating system
     -MS - DOS is a disk opeating system in which the user interacts using characters
  • letters
  • numbers
  • symbols
-features include
  • command-line interface (commands are typed)
  • menu-driven interface (commands are chosen from on-screen lists)
-command line interface is called that because you are commanding to have certain info.

-Mac OS developed by Macintosh in 1984 using GUI.
-Microsoft Windows is now the most popular operating system

-UNIX: developed by Bell Labs before personal coms were availabe'
-LINUX: created by Linus Torvalds and cont. to be a work in progress
-UNIX allows a timesharing comp to comm with several other comps or terminals at once

-linux is free for anyone to use or improve
-UNIX remains the dominant operating system for internet servers
-some form of UNIX is available for personal comps, workstations, servers, mainframes, and supercomps.
-EX: of UNIX are solarists

Hardware                                                                    Software
 - window vista
-winsows Server 2003
-windows XP
-windows ME
microsoft Windows CE

-cross platforms app such as micro office and ADOBE PHOTOSHOP
are programs that are available in similar versions for multiple platforms
-mac users can buy software emulation programs that:
  • create a stimulated windows machine in the Mac
  • translate
Future users interfaces will be bulit around emerging development technologies such as:
  • applications (end)
  • natural language interfaces
  • agents
  • virtual realities
- Files can be scattered all over the system which often makes data manadement difficult
       solution: organize data files logically
-Both windows and Mac support the notion of common system folders with self-explanatory names:
  • My docs (dos)
  • my pics (pics)
  • my music (music)
  • view rename copy move and delete files & folders
  • Hierachies (arrangmeant of items) help w/ organization
  • help w/ locating a file
  • get size, file type, & last modification date
EX of Hierachy: is a folder with subfolders in it
-if u have a lot of the same folder that has the same name and u did one today with new modifications u go to details (under my docs and view) and u look at the dates.

  • Operations: Open, Save As, Save, and Close
- eliminates fragmented files by changing the assignment of clusters and files.
- can significantly improve the performanceof a disk drive
-recommended to do once a month
- ppl do this to eliminate empty spaces

- illegal duplication of copyrighted software
  • the software industry is $50 billion industry
  • 1/3 of softeware is illegally copied