Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Homework: Paper on Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality
          Net Neutrality is the concept that all traffic over the internet flows without preference. Which means that your ISP won’t download one video faster than the other based on its service. This affects us because traffic on the internet is controlled and prioritized by an ISP. Competing services may have to pay the ISP to make it go faster and that causes higher taxes. There are no laws about this and the government cannot get involved. Congress could but that would take a lot of effort and voting.
          What is causing a huge hype over the world is that Verizon and Google banned prioritizing traffic to create a competitive edge but it doesn’t include wireless networks. The reason it doesn’t include wireless networks is because Verizon, like AT&T, have been arguing that wireless networks are different form wired broadband networks.
          I understand why there is a hype going on and I totally agree. It is unfair that some broadband services use their technology skills for the benefit and cause some people to pay higher taxes just to have a fast internet. I believe in net neutrality in all the internet even wireless networks. I don’t think that just because someone is on a phone that their internet should be any slower that someone who is using a regular computer. The internet is internet it should all have the same advantages and options.

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