Friday, September 17, 2010

Ch3 Hardware Basics


  • the most familiar input devices
  • used to enter letters, numbers, and special characters
  • standard keyboards
  •  Ergonomic keyboards: adress medical problems
  • wireless and onehanded keyboards
  • folding keyboards: used with small computers (palm-sized)
  • mouse/trackball
  • touchpad
  • pointing stick/joystick/ touch screen
  • graphics tablet
  • stylus
-mouse is designed to move the pointer around the screen.
-touchpad is sensitive to light pressure
-pointing stick: tiny handle that sits in the middle of the keyoard and response to finger touches
-trackball: a mouse with a ball on the side and user uses that ball to move the pointer on the screen

  • codes that are specifically used to input on the computer
Examples of reading tools are:
  • optical-mark readers: uses reflected light to determine the location of pencil marks on test answer sheets.
  • magnetic-ink character readers: reads odd shaped #s
  • Bar-code readers:codes created from patterns
  • pen scanners: can capture text from a printed doc and transfer it to a PC
  • tablet PC
  • smart whiteboards
  • radio frequency identification readers: uses radio waves to comm.
digitalizing the world
-scanners capture and digitalize printed pictures
  • Flatbed: create comp files
  • Slide: can only scan slides
  • Drum:
  • Sheet-fed
  • Snapshots
  • images store as bits
  • microphones
  • input devices
  • stored
  • specialized software
  • A digital signal processing chip compresses the stream of bits beforeit is transmitted to the CPU.
Speech recognition software
-converts voice data into words that can be edited
-monitor or videodisplay terminal (VDT) displays:
  • characters
  • graphics
  • photographs
  • animation
-video adapter: connects the monitor to the computer
-video memory: a special portion of RAM to hold images
-more video memories = more picture detailed displayed
-monitor size: is measured as a diagonal line
-resolution: number of pixels (tiny dots that compose a picture) on the screen
-higher resolution = dots closer together
-image quality is affected by resolution and color depth (number of different colors on the screen)

- CRT (cathode-ray tubes)
- LCD (liquid crystal displays)
-Examples of LCDs are:
  • Overhead projection panels
  • video projectors
  • portable computers (laptops)
- printers produce papers (output, hardcopy)
-there are 3 groups of printers:
  1. impact printers: they form images by physically striking paper, ribbon, and print hammer together like a typewriter
  2. line printers: only print characters
  3. Dot-matrix printers: prints texts and graphics
-and so many other kinds of printers like the nonimpact, the laser, the inkjet, the mulfunction, and the photo.

facsimile machine: a fast and convenient tool for transmitting info. stored on paper.
fax modem: translates doc. into signals that can be sent over phone decoded by fax machines.

sound card: allows PC to accept microphone input

force feedback joystick: recieves signals from a comp and gives feedback that matches the visual output of the game.

 Storage Devices:
Input meets Output

- storage devices (secondary storage): perform both input and output functions, have both tape and disk drivers
-the comps primary storage is its memory

  • Tape drivers can write data onto and read data off of a magnetically coated ribbon of tape. - are common storage devices on mainfram comps and some PCs
  • Magnetic tape can store massive amounts of info in a small space at a relatively low cost.
  • Sequential-access is the tapes limitation - comp must go through the info in order in which it was recorded
  • Magnetic disks store encoded info
  • Disk drive writes and reads data from the disk's surface - can rapidly info from and prt of the magnetic disk without going in order of recording.
- Internal hard drives and smalled microdries are based on very similar technologies, despite the diff size.
-all PCs use hard disks as their main storage device
  • Hard disks are connected to the comp housing
  • optical disk drivers use laser beans rather than magnets to read and write bits of data on a reflective aluminum layer of the disk.
  • flash memory: a erasable memory chip that can serve as a reliable, ow-energy, quiet, compact alternative to disk storage.
  • USB store and transport data
  • solid-state storage storage with no moving prts

The Computer System:
The Sum of its Parts

-there are 4 basic design classes for comps:
  1. Tower System: tall, narrow that generally have more exansion slots and bays than other designs.
  2. Flat Desktop Systems: designed to sit under the monitor like a platform
  3. All-in-one System: combine monitoring and system unit into a single housing
  4. Laptop Computers: include all the essential components - keyboarding, room service

The Computer's Memory

RAM (ransom access memory)
  • used to store program instructions and data temporarily
  • unique address and data can be stored in any location
  • can quickly retrieve info.
  • will not remain if power goes off (volatile)
ROM (read-only memory)
  • Info. stored permanently on a chip
  • Contains startup instructions and other permanent data
CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor)
  • Special low-energy kind of RAM
  • used for phones, pagers, portable comps, handheld comps, and PDA's.
                                        Buses, Ports, and Peripherals
  • Info. travels b/t components on the motherboard through groups of wire called system buses, or just buses.
  • Typically have 32 or 64 wires
  • connect to storage devices in bays
  • connect to expansion slots.
  • connect to external buses and ports
  • Make it easy to add external devices, called peripherals.
                      Inventing the Future
  • New laser etching tech called xtreme ultraviolet lithograohy (EUVL) could reduce chip size and increase performance radically
  • Superconductors that transmit electricity w/o heat could increase comp speed a 100fold
  • the optical comp transmit info in light waves rather than electrical pulses.
" The only thing that has consistently grown faster than hardware in the last 40 yrs is human expectations" Bjarne Stroustrup

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Homework: Paper on Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality
          Net Neutrality is the concept that all traffic over the internet flows without preference. Which means that your ISP won’t download one video faster than the other based on its service. This affects us because traffic on the internet is controlled and prioritized by an ISP. Competing services may have to pay the ISP to make it go faster and that causes higher taxes. There are no laws about this and the government cannot get involved. Congress could but that would take a lot of effort and voting.
          What is causing a huge hype over the world is that Verizon and Google banned prioritizing traffic to create a competitive edge but it doesn’t include wireless networks. The reason it doesn’t include wireless networks is because Verizon, like AT&T, have been arguing that wireless networks are different form wired broadband networks.
          I understand why there is a hype going on and I totally agree. It is unfair that some broadband services use their technology skills for the benefit and cause some people to pay higher taxes just to have a fast internet. I believe in net neutrality in all the internet even wireless networks. I don’t think that just because someone is on a phone that their internet should be any slower that someone who is using a regular computer. The internet is internet it should all have the same advantages and options.

Friday, September 3, 2010

IB notes clients and servers

(Remember: Technology, Social Issues, and Application/Impact)
Technology: using ipad to read quran in Taraweeh
Social Issues: some ppl are old school and won't like that your using the ipad to read qur'an instead of memorizing it.
Technology                                   Social issues                         Applications
Network                                         Reliability                               Business and Employment
      -Cliend Server                          Integrity                                 Education               
Database                                        Security                                   Training
Middleware                                    Privacy                                     Health
                                                      Authencity                                Art, Entertainment and leisure

  • The needs of people have not changed over time but our wants have increased and the way we fulfill those needs has changed.
  • People try to impress ppl by using big vocab words.
  • *You can learn ANYTHING if you bring back the basics!!!*
  • Humans should ask questions cuz we are the only creatures who are created with intellect.
  • You should listen more than you ask. (2 ears and 1 mouth) listen twice more than listening
  • Relevant questions are based on basic needs.
  • clients and servers (when you make a call) (when you go to a restraunt)
  • so wat i understand from the above im the client and the computer is my server so technically dell hp and all those ppl are my servers.
  • PBX switch (telephone motem that does clients and servers)
  • vonage and skype are PBX switches.
  • we use a browser to get to google. browser is a client
( I have one ball )

Thursday, September 2, 2010

chapter 2 part 3

gigabytes = more space on computer

CPU: Central Processing Unit
When a comp turns on it goes through all its parts. (microproccess)
  • interprets and executes the instructions in each program
  • Supervises arithmetic and logical data manipulations
  • communicates with all the other parts of the comp. system indirectly through memory
  • an extraordinarly complex collection of electronic circuits.
  • Housed along w/ other chips and electronic components on the motherhood.
  • All software is not necessary compatible w/ energy CPU
  • Software written for the Power PC family of processors used in Macintosh comps won't run on intel processors
  • Programs written for Linux can't run on PC's powered by Intel's microprocessor
  • CPU's in the same family are generally designed to be backward compatible
  • Newer proessor can process all of the instructions handled by earlier methods
  • applications require faster machines to produce satisfactory results
  • a comps overall performance is determined by:
  •               Its microprocessor internal clock speed
  •               measured in units called gigahertly (GHz) for billions of clock cycles per second
  • The architecture and word size of the processor
  •     High-end workstations and servers use 64 bit processors
  •    Most PCs and Macintosh uses 32 bit processor
  •    Same embeddded and special-purpose comps still use 8 and 16 bit processors
  • Techniques for speeding up a comp's performance:
  •              11 processing
  •              Server cluster